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Hey, guys welcome to another post. is about everything you need to know about the CPU as a computer user.

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Choosing the right computer processor for your needs is one of the key choices you make in your buying journey. here's why it's important.

The computer 💻 processor is a chip in your computer that helps it run. It's known as the central processing unit or CPU. 

Think of the CPU like the brain of the computer, telling other components, such as the disk drive, RAM, or the GPU what to do. from turning up your speaker volume and opening an app, telling the screen what to show you, and much more, the CPU does a lot. There are many options to choose from depending on what you plan to use your computer for.

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Intel & AMD are the most common manufactures, And they each have few different series of processors. For example, the Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 processors are great for everyday use. They'll keep you productive and help you multitask with ease.

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The lower number in these series, like the Intel Core i3 or and Ryzen 3, maybe more budget-friendly and let you easily browse on the web or work on documents.

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Higher numbers in these series, like intel core i7, intel core i9, or the and Ryzen 7& 9 give you more power for editing videos and photos or playing graphic-intensive games.

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Processors are updating frequently and keep similar names buying a new PC usually means you get the latest version of the processors. there are a lot of other options to consider. so it's important to think about how you'd like to use your PC before choosing. the processor that meets your needs and budget. hope that helps.